Quiet Contrarian. Ep 15: Trades for April 2021
Back to a more normal state of affairs.
Regis Resources – RRL.ASX – They’re doing a capital raise for the purchase of 30% of the Tropicana Open Pit mine from IGO. Consensus on the acquisition has been mixed: Bulls say there’s upside as more gold will be found. Bears say they overpaid for the gold that’s there. Over the mid to long term, success of RRL is tied to the approval of the McPhillamy’s project. I feel like concerns over this not being approved are overblown.
Gale Pacific – GAP.ASX – Sold down half as part of my attempts to consolidate my holdings. These guys have had a great half year, due to a number of things I really couldn’t have predicted (grain tarps… Huh!?). Long term growth is still tied to American construction activity, but these have never been one of my favourites. Feel like there are other better options.
Tassal Group – TGR.ASX – I got blindsided a bit by the commodity pricing aspect of the salmon trade. Gave me some reason to rethink my price points into and out of these guys. Dropped half my holding at a small profit, in order to derisk and get a bit more clarity. May end up selling the rest as part of my consolidation effort.